How does it work?

The ENBIOSIS Analysis Kit is delivered to your home. You will obtain your stool sample easily and send us the kit free of charge

DNA analysis is performed on the bacteria in the sample, and this data is imported into the advanced ENBIOSIS software

The advanced ENBIOSIS artificial intelligence algorithm computes the nutrient scores that will ensure perfect balance

Based on these results, we provide you with information about personalized prebiotic & probiotic supplements that are best for you

AI-powered targeted microbiome modulation
The gut microbiome is analyzed using artificial intelligence technologies. Upon receipt of the sample, our laboratory conducts NGS-based shotgun metagenome sequencing. The ENBIOSIS algorithm processes the raw DNA data, determines which bacteria groups live in the person’s gut in the taxonomic level, and most importantly defines the ecological and functional relationships between them. The details of the client’s microbiome analysis is provided in the ENBIOSIS Microbiome Modulation Report.

Personalized nutrition guide
ENBIOSIS food recommendation algorithm calculates the optimal priority scores for each food to reach the targeted healthy microbiome profile. A healthier state of the gut ecosystem is reached through the “feed or starve the bacteria” strategy that regulates the number of bacteria in an optimal way.
The nutrients required for each bacterium vary. Some bacteria may need different nutrients, while others may need the same. The information about 293 nutrient component of 2,439 interactions on 768 different bacterial strains were mapped onto the database. Algorithms analyze these interactions and combined correlations to give food scores.

Personalized probiotic & prebiotic suggestions
Our engine determines the most suitable probiotic & prebiotic options for unique gut profiles.
To ensure the highest level of accuracy, we conduct extensive research in this area. Two of our recent studies, featured in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research and Food Bioscience, highlight our findings on the consistency and accuracy of probiotic supplements available in the market.
Suggestion Engine specifies the best probiotic & prebiotic fit for individuals by analyzing the gut microbiome at the metagenomics level.

Access the results in your panel
Review your microbiome analysis report and personalized recommendations anytime through your panel. Gain instant insights to modulate your microbiome and achieve better health.
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